Amy Whittle

Fiat Lux

How much electricity does a roasted turkey or cranberry sauce produce? Perhaps it will make one think twice before wasting those Brussels sprouts.

Did you know a bowl of tomato soup produces point nine volts and that one can of soup can light a diode lamp requiring three volts? If one soup achieves this amount of light, imagine what a whole dining table could generate!

Fiat Lux also translated as “let there be light”; a famous biblical phrase also used as a motto for educational institutes, using light as a methaphor for knowledge. It is also the name of this assignment, experiment and a christmas thank-you gift handed-out to ArtEZ's teachers of the Information Department!

One third of the people in the Netherlands prefer to bin Christmas leftovers than being short on food for their guests. The country alone spends a whopping one hundred and twenty four million euros on food during the festive days. The fanatic decorators powering their Christmas lights day and night equals one year of powering a refrigerator! Only fourteen percent feels more responsible regarding wastage during Christmas than the remaining days of the year. How can design increase this fourteen percent regarding food and energy wastage?

This handmade cutlery is not just designed for eating, but also functions as electrodes, enabling families or friends to create light during or after a meal. The more members join in around the table, the more light can be generated. To light the diode, simply stick your fork and spoon into your food and connect all the cutlery and meals together.


    thank-you gift
    conceptual design
    packaging design
    visual design
    graphic design


    ArtEZ University of the Arts


    Adobe Photoshop
    Adobe Indesign
    Adobe Illustrator
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